Supplement summary
Source: 2ch
Credits: Nja
Verification: Confirmed
サクラ (ナルトの為にこんな事を…)みたいな事思う
天道 (あれは飛ばないこの距離なら大丈夫だ)
ナルト 俺が諦めるのを…諦めろ!
Traduccion al inglés
Source: NF
Credits: Nightjumper
Verification: Confirmed
SJ cover is of Naruto( and Sakura and Kakashi)
Spine is of Sasuke
There's a pullout: "10th Chronicle Book"[or something like that]
(You'll know the history of 10 years of Naruto if you look at it)
Two-page colored cover: Left half has young Konan, Orochimaru(Nagato) and Yahiko. Below that, is how they are of the current day. Right half is exactly the same, only with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura instead.
Now, details of the color pages:
Everyone is standing around Sakura & Hinata. Sakura is healing Hinata. (Huge emphasis on Hinata's breasts. [Their size:] three cupfuls of rice.[or something like that])
Sakura is talking about how/why it came to be like this. Seems like she's thinking along the lines of "This is for Naruto's sake..."[OR "This is because Naruto...", I'm not sure.]
Gai: Let's go and back Naruto up!!
[Something about Katsuya telling Gai that'll they'll get in the way, and that Naruto left the village in their care, or something like that. Not sure]
[Long story, short, of Naruto VS Pain:]
Naruto does an attack with KB and Rasengan. Pain evades the attack. Naruto does decides to do a Tajuu KB, and have all of them throw debris at Pain, or something. Pain deflects them all, and kills every one of them except two. Pain tells Naruto to give up. Naruto fires up another FRS. Pain thinks he's safe at his range. Naruto tells Pain that he's given up... on giving up. And then some shit about a successful attack with KB and Rasengan.
The end.
Traduccion al español
Pagina a color. Todo el mundo esta alrededor de Hinata mientras Sakura la cura. (Los senos de Hinata son resaltados. Son tan grandes como 3 tazones llenos de arroz)
La gente se pregunta como paso esto. Sakura piensa para ella misma: ella lo hizo por Naruto.
Gai dice que va a ir a ayudar a Naruto. Parece estar con muchas ganas. Pero Katsuyu le dice que no lo haga, ya que solo estorbarian. Naruto tiene su propio plan y deben dejarlo que lo haga solo. El equipo Gai es ignorado.
La escena cambia a Naruto. Doble FRS. Para prevenir que Tendou los esquive, Naruto trata de agarrar sus piernas con dos Kage Bunshin. Pero Tendou saca laslanzas negras de sus manos y esquiva el ataque. El modo sennin acaba.
100 Narutos, que previamente se habian camuflado como un monton de escombros, cargan contra Pain todos juntos. Sin embargo, fallan en acertarle durante el intervalo de 5 segundos y todos son repelidos, excepto por 3, que hacen un rasengan.
Tendou: Ese no se puede lanzar. Y a esta distancia no me hara nada.
Sermonea a Naruto con estas palaras: Mocoso, aun no has podido responder mi pregunta. Rindete!
Naruto: lo que voy a rendir es... Mi cuerpo real!
Y entonces deja que dos de los KB arrojen su cuerpo real hacia tendou y el capitulo termina con El golpeando a Tendou con el Rasengan.